Volunteer Sign Up

Volunteer Form
Best Day(s) to Volunteer
Best Hours/Shifts to Volunteer

We are excited to have you onboard as a Volunteer for Harris Park Midtown Sports and Activity Center, your role is to:

  • Aid in providing a safe and friendly community park for guests
  • Kindly enforce park expectations
  • Make Leadership and/or Police aware quickly of any issues or concerns

General Park Rules:

NO Dogs permitted in the Park or Golf area
NO Loud music while sitting in cars
NO Loitering in the streets adjacent to the park
NO Smoking (cigarette or Electronic device) on the Golf area

Volunteer Expectations:

  • We understand things come up, if you have a problem with a shift assignment please notify as soon as possible:
    Chris Harris (Executive Director) harrispark45@gmail.com
  • You have transportation on site and a mobile /cell device during your shift
  • Speak kindly and respectively to Park guests, do not yell or create a controversy engagement
  • You will be provided a Harris Park t-shirt and a badge to be worn during your volunteer shift

Emergency Contact:
